Dubai Reverts Take First Steps Into Islam...
DUBAI – Assisting new reverts in their first steps in Islam, an Islamic center in Dubai has hosted a gathering to welcome new reverts who have found Islam recently to offer them a better understanding of the faith and help them stay firm in their beliefs. “I feel different now, for me Islam is peace,” Fatima, a former Protestant receptionist who became Muslim on July 20, told UAE newspaper The National “It was so difficult for me to fast but it also taught me patience. Being faithful and embracing Allah is everything for me,” the new Muslim who fasted for the first time during Ramadan added. Gathering with more than 250 converts from various faiths, Fatima was speaking...

Jesuit Education Leads to Conversion to Islam...
Rod Dreher of The American Conservative recently told a surprising anecdote. During my years as a Catholic, more than a few times I would meet someone who had left the faith, and would credit their Jesuit education for having opened their eyes. Just now, I heard the Muslim scholar Reza Aslanon Fresh Air, talking about his new book. Terry Gross mentioned that he (Aslan) had been born into Islam, but his parents fled with him from Iranian Revolution. In America, his father became atheist, but Aslan became an Evangelical Christian. His mother followed him into Christianity. But then, studying at the Jesuit-run Santa Clara University, Aslan encountered Jesuit priests who encouraged him to go deeper into Islam, the...

First Presbyterian Church in Farmington leads classes on Islam and Christianity...
FARMINGTON — With turmoil in the Middle East appearing in the news on an almost daily basis, the Rev. Glenn Perica of Farmington’s First Presbyterian Church believes now is the time to educate people about Islam and how it compares to Christianity. “Ever since 9/11, we who did not understand very much about the Muslim faith certainly have been exposed to it,” Perica said. A 10-week course entitled “Christianity and Islam: So Much In Common, So Far Apart” introduces people to the faith. The course begins Sept. 4 at Farmington’s First Presbyterian Church. The course aims to help Christians understand the similarities and differences between the two world religions. Walter Declerck of Dar al Islam, an Abiquiú-based Islamic...

Islam Rising Among UK Youth
“The large number of young people identifying as Muslims – much larger than previous generations – suggests that Islam will soon be a much more significant force in this country than it is at the moment,” Terry Sanderson, President of the National Secular Society, said on his group’s website on Tuesday, September 10. “This confirms the rapid downward trend among Christians and bodes extremely ill for the future of that religion in Britain,” he added. Released earlier this month, the poll of more than 20,000 people was commissioned by Lord Ashcroft, the former Conservative party deputy chairman. Titled, “Small island: Public opinion and the politics of Immigration,” the poll was mainly about attitudes to...

Why Justin from Texas Accepted Islam
[youtube][/youtube] In this edition of the show we talk to Justin about his entrance into Islam. He explains his earlier plan to become a Christian minister and how discussions with a Muslim man changed his life...

Maya Wallace: My Journey to Islam
[youtube][/youtube] In this edition of the show we talk to Maya Wallace about her journey to Islam. She talks about her challenges and changes as a Muslim convert in Britain before and after embracing the world’s fastest-growing...