Number of Muslims in the U.S. doubles in last decade...
BY MEGHAN NEAL / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Thursday, May 3, 2012, 12:49 PM A new survey reveals the dramatically changing face of religion in America, with the number of Muslims in the U.S. soaring 67% in the decade since the 9/11 attacks. Data released Tuesday from the 2010 U.S. Religion Census shows Islam was the fastest growing religion in America in the last 10 years, with 2.6 million living in the U.S. today, up from 1 million in 2000. Mormonism too saw remarkable growth, with a 45% increase in adherents. It added nearly 2 million members since 2000, bringing their number in the U.S. to 6.1 million. “Both of these groups entered more than 200 counties that...

Muslim Mall Security Officer Helps Save Woman from Abduction...
BY JENNA MCMURRAY ,CALGARY SUNFIRST POSTED: MONDAY, APRIL 30, 2012 04:11 PM MDT | Khalid Shahid says he didn’t think twice about the authenticity of a stranger’s hand-scrawled note pleading for help. And one month after he helped save her from an alleged abductor, Mounties recognized Shahid’s bravery and quick thinking. March 28 was a normal day for Shahid, assistant site supervisor for security at CrossIron Mills shopping centre, until a Good Samaritan passed him the note. It had been written by a woman claiming to be with her alleged kidnapper and begging for someone to call 911. “Even if it’s a joke, even if it happens 100 times, we’ll respond to it again because should there be...

I’m Muslim, I’m English, and I’m a Westerner...
Monday, 30 April 2012 00:00 I think it’s hard for Muslims if you are brought up within a Pakistani tradition, Arab tradition or Indonesian tradition, you are used to having your faith and your culture interwoven. But actually they are distinct things: Islam is a faith and a culture is a culture. Cultures change and evolve, but faith has its permanence; things which are rooted within. And I think it’s very difficult to imagine when you don’t express it that you can have that faith expressed within a different culture, particularly a culture you are not necessarily used to seeing as a Muslim culture. So, I’m an English woman, I’m a Westerner, and I’m a Muslim. They are...

Holocaust survivor finds haven as Muslim in Israel...
For more than five decades, Leila Jabarin hid her secret from her Muslim children and grandchildren — that she was a JewishHolocaust survivor born in Auschwitz concentration camp. Although her family knew she was a Jewish convert, none of them knew of her brutal past. It was only in the past week that Jabarin, who was born Helen Brashatsky, finally sat down and told them the story of how she was born inside Auschwitz, the most notorious symbol of Nazi Germany’s wartime campaign of genocide against Europe’s Jews. In an interview with AFP to mark Holocaust Memorial Day which begins at sundown on Wednesday, Jabarin, now 70, chuckles as she talks about what to call her. Her Muslim name is Leila, but in this Arab town...

BHJ Targets Halal Market
Ingredients firm BHJ UK has received halal certification for its SCANPRO Beef 95 functional protein product. Audits were carried out by the Islamic Centre Archen (Germany), making the texture-enhancing ingredient available for UK and global meat processors looking to specialise in halal beef-based products. “With around 2.5 million Muslims in the UK and 1.6 billion halal consumers globally, this is a growing consumer market and certification is essential for gaining access,” said sales and marketing director Richard Parnell. “Now, customers manufacturing beef based products for the halal food industry have full access to our SCANPRO Beef 95 protein and its added benefits. With increasing demand, it has never been a better time for us to ensure our...

Muslim women take a lead in their community with Texas tornado relief...
On Easter Sunday morning, several teams of volunteers headed to tornado-hit sites in Arlington and Lancaster, answering the call of several disaster relief organizations. Locally, Irving based Muslim non-profit humanitarian relief organization OneNation Relief and Charity, an operating arm of Baitulmaal USA for local US-based relief work, started mobilizing their volunteers after the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex was hit by devastating tornadoes last Tuesday. Last night, Baitulmaal and One Nation pulled a crew of volunteers to help clear tornado debris in an Arlington neighborhood on Hidden Oaks Lane this morning. More than twenty five volunteers with work gloves started picking up debris and loading them onto trailers and pick-up beds. When rain started pouring down around 2:00 pm, the volunteers continued working till 3:00...