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Islam is the last concern for extremists...

Last Update: Monday, 22 July 2013 KSA 10:58 – GMT 07:58 Several days ago in New York, an American journalist, who is also a friend, asked me about extremism in Islam and about some extremist fighters who became famed as terrorists. He specifically wanted to know what makes a group of people in the Muslim world raise arms against another Muslim group. We were talking about Afghanistan, Pakistan and the unsettled Iraq, where around 2,500 people lost their lives during the past four months in a wave of sectarian and religious violence and the struggle over power. We were talking about the young girls who were brutally killed in Pakistan on their way to school and about the...

Islam is the last concern for extremists
posted on: Jul 23, 2013 | author: Islam Information Center

I Am a Muslim Woman Who Finds Freedom Behind My Veil...

What does a ‘real’ woman look like? Is it in the curve of her hips or the price of her Manolo’s? Is it the way she styles her hair or the allure of her eyes peeking behind Chanel sunglasses? Because the Western world’s expression of feminine beauty lends itself to the promotion of less clothing equating to more freedom, Muslim women and their fully covered frocks are often viewed as oppressive and diminishing. There is a distinct difference between being pretty and beautiful yet, for two women who are devoted Muslims, their beauty has everything to do with their choice to cover themselves. Afshan Rehman, a 25-year-old psychology student in Illinois daydreams about helping women to heal their...

I Am a Muslim Woman Who Finds Freedom Behind My Veil
posted on: Jul 2, 2013 | author: Islam Information Center

Why Do Westerners Convert to Islam?

This is a transcript of part of an interview conducted by Dr. Tariq Ramadan with sister Batool al-Toma, director of the New Muslims project at the Islamic Foundation, UK, in the weekly TV program ‘Islam and Life.’ In the interview, sister Batool, herself a convert to Islam, explains the different reasons that encourage westerners to decide to become Muslim. Tariq Ramadan: This week we are going to discuss the challenges facing people who convert to Islam. What do Westerners see in Islam that makes them decide to become Muslims? Did the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or Western support for Israel encourage westerners to convert? In 2009, approximately 40,000 Brits, 70,000 French nationals and 100,000 Americans became Muslims. What...

Why Do Westerners Convert to Islam?
posted on: Jun 3, 2013 | author: Islam Information Center

Former Guantanamo Guard: American Muslims Best Example of Islam...

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama – A former Guantanamo guard who embraced Islam during his service in the notorious detention center has praised American Muslims as representing the best example of true Islam. “You can’t be afraid to be a Muslim in public,” Terry Holdbrooks Jr., 29, was quoted as saying by All Alabama website. He urged the Muslim community in the US to remain united and open to their neighbors. “Tell your neighbors you’re Muslim. Invite them into your home. Invite them to visit the masjid to see our secret bomb factories.” The United States is home to a Muslim minority of between six to eight million. A recent survey by Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life said that...

Former Guantanamo Guard: American Muslims Best Example of Islam
posted on: Jun 3, 2013 | author: Islam Information Center

Arab Women As Likely As Men To Support Islamic Law In Middle East After Arab Spring...

By Jaweed KaleemPosted: 06/25/2012 5:27 pm Updated: 06/25/2012 5:50 pm As Islamist political parties have gained influence across the Middle East since the Arab uprisings, activists and pundits have questioned the role religion will play in new governments, including how religiously influenced law will affect women’s rights. A Gallup report released Monday found that Arab women are as likely as Arab men to want Islam to play a role in their countries’ laws and that religious Arab men are more likely to support certain women’s rights than men who are less devout. The report, “After the Arab Uprisings: Women on Rights, Religion, and Rebuilding,” draws upon polls of men and women in six countries that experienced political upheaval in recent years...

Arab Women As Likely As Men To Support Islamic Law In Middle East After Arab Spring
posted on: Jun 30, 2012 | author: Islam Information Center

Number of Muslims in the U.S. doubles in last decade...

BY MEGHAN NEAL / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Thursday, May 3, 2012, 12:49 PM A new survey reveals the dramatically changing face of religion in America, with the number of Muslims in the U.S. soaring 67% in the decade since the 9/11 attacks. Data released Tuesday from the 2010 U.S. Religion Census shows Islam was the fastest growing religion in America in the last 10 years, with 2.6 million living in the U.S. today, up from 1 million in 2000. Mormonism too saw remarkable growth, with a 45% increase in adherents. It added nearly 2 million members since 2000, bringing their number in the U.S. to 6.1 million. “Both of these groups entered more than 200 counties that...

Number of Muslims in the U.S. doubles in last decade
posted on: May 3, 2012 | author: Islam Information Center

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