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Sense of Community Supports US Muslims During Ramadan...

September 02, 2010 Sandra LeMaire | Washington Midway through the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims gather at the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, or ADAMS Center, mosque to pray.  Located in Reston, Virginia, the center was formed 25 years ago to attend to the needs of the Muslim community. Deputy Director Khalid Iqbal says people from 15 different countries, including the United States, participate in the center’s wide range of activities. During this time, ADAMS sees a spike in attendance. “During the month of Ramadan, we also serve meals every evening for breaking fast for almost four to five hundred people,” Iqbal explains. “I think because of the hardship and tough economic times more and more people are coming...

Sense of Community Supports US Muslims During Ramadan
posted on: Sep 2, 2010 | author: Islam Information Center

9/11 Happened to Us All

[youtube][/youtube] Rubi, a Muslim first responder reflects on the terrorist attacks of  September 11th, 2001....

9/11 Happened to Us All
posted on: Aug 31, 2010 | author: Islam Information Center

How America Looks Through Muslim Eyes

August 03, 2010 Mohamed Elshinnawi | Washington, DC An estimated seven million Muslims live in the United States today. But for many Americans, Islam is associated with extremists like Osama bin Laden. To shed light on this religious group and counter mutual distrust, American University Professor Akbar Ahmed and his team of young researchers traveled to more than 75 American cities. Those journeys are chronicled in a documentary, and an accompanying book, called “Journey into America.” Negative perceptions “We don’t like the Muslims, that is all,” says one American woman in the documentary. “They don’t believe in our Jesus.” “Their book tells them to kill,” says another man. Statements like that prompted Ahmed and his team to craft a documentary around two themes:...

How America Looks Through Muslim Eyes
posted on: Aug 3, 2010 | author: Islam Information Center

Young Muslims in US Seek Homegrown Imams...

April 16, 2010 Vidushi Sinha | Washington The Muslim population in the United States is growing, and so is its need for spiritual guidance. A new generation American Muslims is demanding more from local mosques than they can always provide. “It’s not what you see on television or it’s not what people are talking about or a dress code or whatever. It’s about being good to your fellow man, about being good to your God. That’s all it is. That’s what it is,” said Adeel Zeb, an aspiring imam and a Muslim chaplain at American University in Washington. He reaches out to young Muslims with what he calls the real message of Islam. Zeb says there is often...

Young Muslims in US Seek Homegrown Imams
posted on: Apr 16, 2010 | author: Islam Information Center

Sayyid Syeed Works for Religious Tolerance...

November 10, 2009 Washington, DC Nidal Malik Hasan, the U.S. army officer who allegedly killed 13 people and wounded 31 others at Fort Hood military base in Texas Nov.5, is a devout Muslim.  American Islamic organizations expressed shock and condemnation of what they called, “the senseless and appalling act of violence,” and offered condolences and prayers to the victims and their families. Among the groups speaking out is the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, the largest Muslim-American organization in the western hemisphere. Sayyid Syeed, the group’s national director, is the focus of this week’s American Profile. Sayyid Syeed’s work at ISNA reflects his lifelong campaign to promote tolerance and non-violence, and to bring people of different...

Sayyid Syeed Works for Religious Tolerance
posted on: Nov 10, 2009 | author: Islam Information Center

Most Muslims Upbeat on Globalization

August 28, 2008 Washington A survey conducted in predominantly Muslim nations shows an overall embrace of globalization, trade, and integration into the world economy. From Washington, VOA’s Michael Bowman reports. For those who view Muslims as generally insular, inward-looking and suspicious of the world at large, the results of the poll may come as a surprise. Conducted by the U.S.-headquartered group,, the poll surveyed the opinions of more than 5,000 people in Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran, Indonesia, the Palestinian territories, and Muslim areas of Nigeria. “All of the Muslim countries we polled in, a majority or at least a plurality said that they thought that globalization, defined as the increasing connections of our economy with others around the...

Most Muslims Upbeat on Globalization
posted on: Aug 28, 2008 | author: Islam Information Center

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